Similar words: collection, recollection, data collection, collecting box, collectivization, stamp collection, collection period, collection letter.
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1. The exhibition is free, but there is a collection box for donations.
2. The collection box was full of coins and paper money.
3. I put my spare change in a charity collection box.
4. Waste vegetable oil collection box sign.
5. A filtrate collection box sits underneath, and seals against, the upper belt.
6. Kabaraijian set the collection box down on Munson's desk and opened it.
7. You may put them in a collection box on the street.
8. Please drop your used ticket into the ticket collection box.
9. Waste vegetable oil collection box with a few plastic bottles of waste oil left by customers.
10. I have seen knots of sea spiders come back alive and squirming in the bottom of the collection box.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Staff want to thank shopkeepers who support the hospice by keeping collection boxes on their counters.
12. Since then it has banned the public from placing stamped parcels weighing more than 1 pound in mail collection boxes.
13. Near the entrance of the supermarket is the waste vegetable oil collection box.
14. One supermarket in Date, Hokkaido which has a waste vegetable oil collection box.
15. You may sell your "overstocked" artwork during exhibition. They will be placed in a collection box. (preferably small-sized, unframed , low-priced, 20% of proceeds donated to HCAPC.
16. This thief was beaten for trying to steal from the church collection box.
17. The machine unit is made up of charging bucket, stepped gear, pulverizing knife, gear ring, pulverizing motor, discharging port, fan blade, aggregating box, dust collection box, etc.
18. The dust in the hop-pocket is collected by the dust collection box.
More similar words: collection, recollection, data collection, collecting box, collectivization, stamp collection, collection period, collection letter, collectivisation, collection agency, garbage collection, documentary collection, collecting, collective, collectible, collectivize, collectivist, collectively, collectivity, collectivism, coin collecting, collective farm, uncollectible, collective noun, collectivistic, stamp collecting, collective goods, collective system, collective security, collective agreement.